Python Language vs. Ruby Language

In this blog post, we'll be going through two server-side scripting languages; Python and Ruby with focus on comparing the performance and other factors that might help you in deciding which language to pick over the other for your web application. Read more

A Comprehensive Guide to migrating from Python 2(Legacy) to Python 3

Python powers many applications we use day-to-day like Reddit, Instagram, Dropbox, Spotify and so on. Adoption of Python 3 has been a subject of debate in the Python community for long. While Python 3 has been out for more than a decade now, but there wasn’t much incentive to migrate from the stable Python 2.7 in the earlier releases, but with its end of life in January 2020 it’s high time to migrate. Read more

Memory Management in Python

Memory management in python: Yes, you heard it right “memory management in python”. You must be thinking: why do I need to manage the memory in any high-level language like python? Read more

Python Protocol Buffers

Protocol Buffers are a way to encode data before transportation, which efficiently shrinks data blocks and therefore increases speed when sending it. It abstracts data into a language-and  platform-neutral format. Read more

Exception Handling in Ruby

What is exception handling? Software systems can be quite prone to error conditions. Systems that involve user interaction are more vulnerable to exceptions as they attract errors at multiple fronts. Errors can take many forms - syntactical errors, network errors, form input errors, invalid authentication errors etc. I Read more

PHP Advanced Exceptions Tutorial

Software systems inevitably encounter situations that can cause failures and malfunctions which affect user experience, data integrity, and security. In this blog post, we will learn how to avoid these situations though Exception handling . We will focus on software exceptions and how to address them using PHP. Read more

Introducing AutoInstruments: zero-effort performance monitoring of custom Ruby code

AutoInstruments wraps instrumentation around code expressions in Ruby on Rails controllers by inspecting Ruby’s Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) as code is loaded. These code expressions then appear in traces, just like the many libraries Scout already instruments. Read more

Birds of a Fiber: A look at Falcon, a modern asynchronous web server for Ruby

Falcon aims to increase throughput of web applications by using Ruby’s Fibers to continue serving requests while other requests are waiting on IO (ActiveRecord queries, network requests, file read/write, etc). Read more

Understanding page faults and memory swap-in/outs: when should you worry?

How can you tell if page faults are slowing you down, and - above all - how can you avoid being shuffled in-and-out of the library? This blog dives into the answers to these very questions. Read more

Monitor a Laravel app with Scout

Last month we talked about the PHP monitoring landscape in 2019 and announced that Scout APM would soon be available for monitoring your Laravel applications too (as well as your Ruby, Python and Elixir apps of course!). Now that our PHP monitoring agent is ready for beta testing, we thought it would be a good idea to show you folks how easy it is to get started with it and to highlight the main features to the Laravel community. Read more

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