We are happy to announce that Scout now integrates with the popular error monitoring solution, Honeybadger. This integration brings a similar feature set to our existing Rollbar, Sentry and Bugsnag integrations, and it allows you to see your errors and exceptions alongside your performance metrics all on a single page. So let’s take this opportunity to take a closer look at Honeybadger and see how you can get it setup within Scout in just a few minutes!
Honeybadger + Scout
We display Honeybadger errors alongside Scout’s performance metrics on the main overview page, as well as on the web endpoint and background jobs pages. New errors are distinguished from existing errors by the orange New logo alongside the error count.

What is Honeybadger?
Honeybadger is an increasingly popular error and exception logging system, that prides itself on being brought to you by developers, for developers, similar to the ethos of Scout! With a host of features that go beyond just exception logging (such as uptime monitoring and background job check-in monitoring) and some very competitive pricing, it’s certainly worth checking out if you are not already familiar with it.

The screenshot above shows the Honeybadger user interface for errors. As you can see, the interface is clean and simple, yet it provides a wealth of information to help you diagnose issues.
How can I get started?
There is only one thing that you need to get Honeybadger set up with Scout, and that is your personal Honeybadger API Token (not to be confused with the project’s API Key or Honeybadger Token). You can find this token on your User Settings page within Honeybadger, shown below.

Once you have copied your Honeybadger API Token, you can open up Scout and click on the Settings button at the top of the page. This will bring you to a page where you can manage your integrations. If you click Honeybadger on the left of the page, and then copy in your token and click update, then you are all set up. It’s that simple!

Navigate back to the main overview page, and click on the Errors tab to see all of your Honeybadger errors in one place!
What’s next?
Not using Honeybadger? Then how about Rollbar, Sentry or Bugsnag? We support them too! Or are you using a different error logging system that we are missing? If so, then please let our support team know.

Thank you for taking the time to read this far, help yourself to some free swag by clicking on doggo! Ready to get your complete error logging and monitoring solution set up? Then sign up today for a free 14-day trial.