Log Management

Note: This feature is currently available via our Ruby gem and Python package.


Our logging solution aims to “just work” with Rails and Python applications. Other frameworks and languages coming soon!

Each App can have logs enabled individually and requires a unique Ingest Key. Visit the Logs page from an App in the Scout UI to get started.

For a Rails Application

  1. Add the scout_apm_logging gem to your gemfile.

  2. Configure a few environment variables:

     SCOUT_LOGS_INGEST_KEY=aaaa-1111-aaaa-1111 # Provided in App Logs Page
  3. Deploy!

Further configuration options are available, but the above is the minimum required to get started.

For a Python Application

  1. Install the Scout Python logging package: pip install scout-apm-logging
  2. Set SCOUT_LOGS_INGEST_KEY in your existing configuration or via an environment variable. This key is provided in the Logs page of the enabled App.
  3. Add the Scout logging handler to your Python logging configuration. Here’s an example using dictConfig:
import os
from logging.config import dictConfig
from scout_apm_logging import ScoutOtelHandler

    "version": 1,
    "disable_existing_loggers": False,
    "formatters": {
        "verbose": {
            "format": "%(levelname)s %(asctime)s %(module)s %(process)d %(thread)d %(message)s"
        "simple": {"format": "%(levelname)s %(message)s"},
    "handlers": {
        "scout": {
            "level": "DEBUG",
            "class": "scout_apm_logging.ScoutOtelHandler",
            "service_name": "your-python-app",
        "console": {
            "level": "DEBUG",
            "class": "logging.StreamHandler",
            "formatter": "simple",
    "loggers": {
        "": {  # Root logger
            "handlers": ["console", "scout"],
            "level": "DEBUG",

# Apply the logging configuration

This configuration attaches the ScoutOtelHandler to the root logger with the DEBUG log level, which will send all logs from internal libraries to Scout. Python logging is highly configurable, and we provide some common configurations to get you started.


Scout’s Log Management is designed with ease-of-use as a top priority. Sending logs to us and viewing them in the UI should be as simple as possible. By working with our existing agents, we can also gather more context and automatically apply it to your application logs. This gives you extra power to filter and search through your logs, and to correlate them with other performance data. Some highlights:

Logs Demo


Visiting the Logs page will begin loading the log records that we have received according to the timeframe you have selected, e.g. “Past 3 hours.” Logs will load from most-recent to oldest. We load 10K records initially, more can be loaded as needed. As the logs load, you can rapidly filter to desired Severity Levels and search/filter via regex applied to the message body and attributes. The time window can also be narrowed via horizontal selection (“brush”) on the chart. These filters apply to logs that are already loaded into the browser.

When you determine interesting lines, you can also use the pre-load filters to screen logs closer to the log storage layer, allowing you to scan longer timeframes without pulling too many records into the browser. This two-phase approach can be a powerful and flexible way to efficiently seek through a very large corpus of log records. We hope you love it!


Pre-Load Filters

The Logs Filtering allows you to limit the logs that are loaded into the Logs View. These filters are applied to the logs in our storage system before loading them into the application. Filtering by time can especially reduce the amount of data processed and returned by our application. Keep in mind that rapid filtering and manipulation can be further performed within the Logs Table after the Logs have been loaded.

Logs can be filtered by:

For Attribute filters, you will need to select the attribute key and then provide a value to filter by. However, we only display a couple of predetermined attributes, with the use of custom context, more attributes can be added to the logs. You can specify additional filters for custom log attributes and values. See the below gif for adding the ‘org_id’ custom context we have added to our application as a filter.

The four default attributes:

After changing any of these filters, hitting “Load” will discard the current in-memory logs and begin loading new data matching the filter criteria.

Logs Filtering

Default Attributes

The Scout Logs agent enriches Rails logs with a few attributes by default:

In addition, it will capture all key-value pairs from any Custom Context that you have set. This means logs can be filtered by any Custom Context attributes.

Logs List

As records are loading, the Logs List allows you to filter your log data in straightforward ways. These filters also determine the data sent to the rest of the statistics and charts on the screen, allowing you to focus on the most relevant Logs for any given visualization.

Severity Filter

Select any combination of severity levels to filter the logs.

Regex Filter

The Regex Filter allows you to filter the Logs List using regex that evaluates against message content as well as log Attributes (both keys and values). We hope it lets you quickly narrow things down, whatever you might want to narrow by.

Brush Tool

On the chart, you can select the brush tool to click and drag across a time range to filter the List.

Loading Controls

At the top of the Logs List are a few controls that allow you to manage the loading of data into the Logs List. These controls are useful for managing the amount of data that is loaded into the Logs List at any given time.

Usage & Billing

Usage can be broken out into two categories. Write usage and read usage. Write usage is the total bytes of uncompressed data sent to our servers in OTLP format. Read usage is the number of bytes of total uncompressed data that we traversed when performing an operation.

To view your usage, click the cog in the bottom left, which will display a list of options to choose from. Within this list click “View Logs Usage”. Here, you will have 14 days of both write and read usage streamed in.

Logs Usage Location

Common Configurations (Rails)

The following configuration settings are available. These can be set in the scout_apm.yml configuration file or as environment variables with the SCOUT_ prefix, e.g. SCOUT_LOGS_INGEST_KEY.

Only logs_ingest_key is required. The rest are optional.

Setting Name Description Default Required
logs_ingest_key The Ingest Key to use for logs Yes
logs_monitor True or false. If true, monitor logs and send them to Scout false No
logs_capture_level The minimum log level to capture and send to Scout debug No
log_level Log level for the agent itself info No

Additional Configurations for Rails Agent

These settings are internal and are not typically needed for normal operation, but if things like filesystem access cause issues, the following may be useful.

Setting Name Description Default Required
logs_monitored An array of log file paths to monitor. Overrides the default log destination detection [] No
log_class The underlying class to use for logging. Defaults to Ruby’s Logger class Logger No
config_file Location of the scout_apm.yml configuration file config/scout_apm.yml No
logs_config A hash of configuration options for merging into the Otel Collector’s config {} No
logs_reporting_endpoint The endpoint to send logs to. https://otlp.scoutotel.com:4317 No
logs_proxy_log_dir The directory to store logs in for monitoring /tmp/scout_apm/logs/ No
log_file_path Location where the agent should log. Either a directory or “STDOUT” Environment#root+log/ or STDOUT if running on Heroku. No
log_stdout True or false. If true, agent logs to STDOUT false No
log_stderr True or false. If true, agent logs to STDERR false No
manager_lock_file The location for obtaining an exclusive lock for running monitor manager /tmp/scout_apm/monitor_lock_file.lock No
monitor_pid_file The location of the pid file for the monitor /tmp/scout_apm/scout_apm_log_monitor.pid No
monitor_state_file The location of the state file for the monitor /tmp/scout_apm/scout_apm_log_monitor_state.json No
monitor_interval The interval to check the collector healtcheck and for new state logs 60 No
monitor_interval_delay The delay to wait before running the first monitor interval 60 No
collector_log_level The log level for the collector error No
collector_sending_queue_storage_dir The directory to store queue files /tmp/scout_apm/file_storage/otc/ No
collector_offset_storage_dir The directory to store offset files /tmp/scout_apm/file_storage/receiver/ No
collector_pid_file The location of the pid file for the collector /tmp/scout_apm/scout_apm_otel_collector.pid No
collector_download_dir The directory to store downloaded collector files /tmp/scout_apm/ No
collector_config_file The location of the config file for the collector /tmp/scout_apm/config.yml No
collector_version The version of the collector to download 0.102.1 No
health_check_port The port to use for the collector health check. Default is dynamically derived based on port availability No

Common Configurations: (Python)

By default, attaching the ScoutOtelHandler to the root logger with the DEBUG level will send all logs from internal libraries to Scout. While useful for comprehensive monitoring, this can result in a very large volume of logs, and likely more noise than signal. Since the Python Logging agent provides a logging Handler, the source and severity of logs sent to Scout is configured via Python logging configuration.

There are many other possible logging configurations, but we hope these examples provide a useful starting point for some common needs.

Just your app

This is a logging configuration which only attaches the “scout” handler to a custom logger: your_app

from logging.config import dictConfig
from scout_apm_logging import ScoutOtelHandler

    "version": 1,
    "disable_existing_loggers": False,
    "formatters": {
        "standard": {
            "format": "%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s"
    "handlers": {
        "scout": {
            "level": "DEBUG",
            "class": "scout_apm_logging.ScoutOtelHandler",
            "service_name": "your-service-name",
        "console": {
            "level": "DEBUG",
            "class": "logging.StreamHandler",
            "formatter": "standard",
    "loggers": {
        "your_app": {
            "handlers": ["scout"],
            "level": "DEBUG",
            "propagate": True  # True by default
    "root": {
        "level": "WARNING",
        "handlers": ["console"],


Key Points

  1. The root logger is set to WARNING level and only uses the console handler, effectively excluding other libraries' logs from Scout.
  2. Propagation means that all logs will also be handled by the root handlers, so in this case: output to the console.
  3. Adding the scout handler to the root would mean that WARNING or ERROR logs from all libraries would send to Scout. In this case, you could add the console handler to your_app and set propagate to False to not double-report.

Excluding specific libraries

Maybe you’re okay with getting most logs from various libraries, but want to reduce noise from especially verbose libraries.

### Initial configuration the same as above
    "loggers": {
        "your_app": {
            "handlers": ["console", "scout"],
            "level": "DEBUG",
        "urllib3": {
            "level": "WARNING",
        "boto3": {
            "level": "WARNING",
    "root": {
        "level": "INFO",
        "handlers": ["console", "scout"],

Key Points:

  1. Explicitly configuring loggers for known libraries (like urllib3 and boto3 in the example) gives you fine-grained control over their log levels.
  2. Libraries that are not explicitly configured will inherit from the root logger, which is set to INFO level in this example. Your application’s logger is set to DEBUG level, ensuring you capture all necessary details from your own code.

This configuration allows you to:

Installation: The Manual Way

Scout’s logging solution is based on OpenTelemetry and the OTLP protocol. If you are running an Otel Collector, we can be an endpoint of a logs pipeline. You can theoretically send us log records from any type of service and we will group them according to the provided Ingest Key within Scout’s logging UI. If using the collector directly, you can add your scout_logs_ingest_key to the headers of the OTLP exporter as x-scout-key, or as an attribute in code where you configure OpenTelemetry as scout.key.

# otel-collector-config.yaml
    include: [ /var/log/*.log ]


    endpoint: https://otlp.scoutotel.com:4317
      x-scout-key: aaaa-1111-aaaa-1111 # Provided in Scout settings


      receivers: [otlp, filelog]
      processors: []
      exporters: [otlp]


How does this work?

For Ruby applications, our logging agent will download and configure the Otel Collector and run it on your server. The Collector will then collect logs from your application (either specified as explicit files or automatically created by our agent) and send them to Scout.

For Python applications, we provide a custom logging handler which wraps the OpenTelemetry Python SDK. This handler integrates with your existing logging setup, and sends logs directly to Scout without requiring the Otel Collector to be installed separately.

The logs will be available in the Scout UI for you to search and filter. For Rails, we will automatically set a custom log formatter to include additional context in the logs sent to us. Your original logs will not be altered. Both the Ruby and Python Logging agents are open source and available on Github.

What is the retention period on this log data?

Scout retains your log data for 14 days. If you require longer-term storage, please let us know as we would like to create options for our customers, but at this point you will need to also send them to an alternative location.