

With our native Heroku addon, Scout supports a seamless integration between your Heroku application and our monitoring suite.

No additional configuration is required. Just add the addon and follow your language’s setup docs page.

Switching to a Direct Account from a Heroku Addon Account

If you’re currently using Scout through a Heroku Addon, it’s extremely simple to switch to a direct account. Just follow these steps:

  1. Sign up for Scout at https://scoutapm.com/users/sign_up with a different email address from your original email address on Heroku. Some email providers like Google support adding a dynamic suffix to your email address using a ‘+’ (e.g. your_email+scout@gmail.com)
  2. Change the SCOUT_KEY Heroku environment variable to the new account’s Agent Key. You can find your Agent Key at https://scoutapm.com/settings
  3. Downgrade your Heroku addon plan to the free plan, “Chair Lift”, if you need to maintain visibility to your Heroku data.

Your APM data will now be reporting into the new direct account dashboard.