Deploying to AWS Part I: Docker Rails Deployment

What's the 2018 approach to deploying a Rails app to AWS? We've partnered with DailyDrip on a series of videos to guide you through the process. We'll be covering how to Dockerize a Rails app, AWS Fargate, logging, monitoring, and CDN support. Today, we will be working through a few ... Read more

Observability: the new wave or another buzzword?

OH - "Observability - because devs don't like to do "monitoring" we need to package it in new nomenclature to make it palatable and trendy". — Cindy Sridharan (@copyconstruct) July 28, 2017 I think you'll be hearing more about observability in 2018. In this post, I share why I believe ... Read more

Visualizing Rails logs With Jupyter Notebook

Your Rails app appears to be humming along just fine. But then, out of the blue, one of your most important customers emails your support team: "the site is loading slowly - is something up"? You frantically browse around the site, but everything seems fine. You double-check the charts: things ... Read more

Monitoring GenServer calls with Scout

The latest release (0.3.0) of Scout's Elixir APM package adds the ability to monitor GenServer calls. What is GenServer and how do you monitor it? A short intro to GenServer If you're coming from a Ruby background, you've probably used Sidekiq or similar to do background work outside of the ... Read more

Elixir foundations for Ruby Devs: transforming data

This is a guest post by Tomasz Kowal, a software developer currently working full time with Elixir at ClubCollect. He started with Erlang 6 years ago and is still amazed by the power functional languages provide. In his free time he likes tinkering with flying robots. Have you ever reached ... Read more

3 Git Productivity Hacks

Most Ruby developers use Git for their version control system of choice. Git is a wonderful tool that can save you countless hours of lost productivity and makes collaborating with others a cinch. Git's distributed nature also allows devs to work anywhere with or without an internet connection without fear ... Read more

Java for Rubyists

The Scout Java Application Monitoring Agent is under active development and we have a few spots open in our alpha program. Email for access. For many Rubyists, Ruby is the first language that they learn and perhaps the only programming language that they know. Ruby provides an excellent gateway ... Read more

4 ways to get the most out of your Rails logs

Logging is the lowest common denominator of monitoring - it's low effort and low overhead. You can put ANYTHING into a log file (sans animated GIF memes - save that for Slack). The downside of being a logging addict: logs can quickly become a noisy mess. Digging through logs while ... Read more

An intro to the Docker Stats API

If I was teaching Server Health 101, I'd start with four key metrics: CPU Usage Memory Usage Network I/O Disk Utilization The approach for fetching these metrics on Linux hosts is tried-and-true (hint: look in the /proc folder). However, I was curious about Docker Containers: where do I access these ... Read more

From MySQL full-text search to Elasticsearch

Migrating backend search technologies on a high-throughput production site is no easy task, but Vector Media Group was recently faced with this decision. With a popular client site struggling under the load of complex MySQL full-text search queries, they recently switched to Elasticsearch . I spoke with Matt Weinberg to ... Read more

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