What is OpenTelemetry and Why is Scout All In?

What is OpenTelemetry and how does it play into the observability marketplace? How does OpenTelemetry work and how will Scout use this project in the future? Learn the answers to these questions and more in this latest blog post by CTO Dave Anderson. Read more

The Business Case for Docker Adoption

In this post, we look at what gives Docker the edge over other virtualization technologies, their impact on businesses across the world, and why migrating your application to a container setup could be the best thing you could do for it. Read more

End-User Monitoring: How it Can Impact Your Business

If your business is an online one, it's critical to understand your application’s impact on its users. One of the best ways to monitor the behavior of your end users is end-user monitoring. In this article, we discuss how perfect end-user monitoring can help your business in many ways and how you can implement end-user monitoring in your application. Read more

SOA vs. Microservices: A Head-to-Head Comparison

This article walks you through the differences between SOA and Microservices architecture and suggests situations suitable for using either of them. Read more

How to Use the Delegate Method in Rails

What is Delegation and how do you properly use it in Ruby? This article will look at how delegation works and the various programming constructs that Ruby provides to facilitate easy and robust delegation. Read more

Azure vs. AWS vs. GCP: A Direct Comparison

There are many service providers for cloud computing in the market. However, three providers currently dominate the market: Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and Amazon Web Services (AWS). In this guide, we compare the three cloud providers with one another to help you make the best choice between them. Read more

Express vs. Hapi: A Head-to-Head Comparison

Express and Hapi are frameworks based on Node.js, an open-source server environment that runs on various platforms, using JavaScript as the language of choice. Learn more about which framework is right for you! Read more

How to Find, Fix, and Prevent Node.js Memory Leaks

When your application starts to grow, one of the essential factors to consider while scaling is memory management. This blog post looks at what memory leaks are and how to avoid them in Node.js applications. Read more

Encapsulation in OOP: Definition and Examples

Encapsulation is the mechanism of binding data (attributes) and methods (operations) together into objects and limiting the direct access to its internals. Learn more about encapsulation and why it's important in object-oriented programming! Read more

Monolithic vs. Microservices Architecture: A Side-by-Side Comparison

In this posts, we compare side-by-side Monolithic and Microservices architecture. After discussing strengths and weaknesses of each concept, you'll know which is right for your business. Read more

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