PyCon 2019 - Scout brings APM for Python

The 2019 edition of PyCon USA takes place over the next few days in Cleveland, Ohio. Scout is delighted to be there, sharing our APM tool with the Python community. Plus, we'll have great t-shirts and stickers for you, and we love to get geeky - one of our lead product engineers, plus two of our smart support engineers, are working the booth, ready to help you figure out your Python performance problems. You'll spot our orange table cloth from across the expo hall:


While Scout APM has been around for many years, our support for Python is less than a year old - and we are off to a great start. We were able to take much of what we learned about bringing performance insights and troubleshooting tips to Ruby and Rails programmers and apply that to Python and Django. For example, N+1 query problems exist in both languages, and Scout works great to find those issues in both Python and Ruby. 

We've also published some helpful posts on monitoring Django apps on Heroku, monitoring Wagtail, a popular Django CMS, and taking a data science approach to understanding Django app performance. We even had time to add support for Python 2.7 to our previous support for Python 3.4+. 

This is our first-ever PyCon - and we are going to have a blast! Tweet us at @ScoutAPM and tell us what you love about the conference. 

If you don't make it to Cleveland, we'll see you at PyCon JP 2019 in Tokyo this September - let us know if you'll be there, as we'll have our entire Tokyo-based team on-site.