3 Git Productivity Hacks

Most Ruby developers use Git for their version control system of choice. Git is a wonderful tool that can save you countless hours of lost productivity and makes collaborating with others a cinch. Git's distributed nature also allows devs to work anywhere with or without an internet connection without fear ... Read more

Java for Rubyists

The Scout Java Application Monitoring Agent is under active development and we have a few spots open in our alpha program. Email support@scoutapp.com for access. For many Rubyists, Ruby is the first language that they learn and perhaps the only programming language that they know. Ruby provides an excellent gateway ... Read more

Overhead Benchmarks: New Relic vs. Scout

High monitoring overhead is a silent killer : your app's requests take longer, throughput capacity shrinks, end users requests start stacking up in a request queue, you react by provisioning more servers, and finally, more servers == more $$$. So how does Scout's overhead compare with the competition? To find ... Read more

State of the 2016 Rails Stack

What's a Rails stacks look like in the wild these days? Most popular Rails version? Most popular Ruby? Is Delayed Job still hanging on? If you're curious about the above, you've come to the right place. We collect gems used on the apps we monitor at Scout to assist with ... Read more

4 ways to get the most out of your Rails logs

Logging is the lowest common denominator of monitoring - it's low effort and low overhead. You can put ANYTHING into a log file (sans animated GIF memes - save that for Slack). The downside of being a logging addict: logs can quickly become a noisy mess. Digging through logs while ... Read more

Pillars of the Rails Monitoring Stack: 2020 Edition

Here's a behind-the-scenes rundown of how we ensure our apps are in peak condition in 2020 Read more

Git-integrated app monitoring

Tracking down slow code is about to get a lot faster. We're excited to debut our Github Integration for Scout Application Monitoring: With the Github Integration enabled, instead of seeing backtraces for slow method calls (>= 500 ms), you'll see the relevant code in our UI. This goes beyond the ... Read more

StackProf: The Holy Grail of Ruby on Rails Performance Profiling

Our Stackprof-inspired profiler, ScoutProf, is now in BETA. See our docs to get started. The holy grail of performance profiling is finding a tool that's safe to run in production. A tool that identifies slow code as it works "in the wild". Profiling code locally is never as good as ... Read more

An intro to the Docker Stats API

If I was teaching Server Health 101, I'd start with four key metrics: CPU Usage Memory Usage Network I/O Disk Utilization The approach for fetching these metrics on Linux hosts is tried-and-true (hint: look in the /proc folder). However, I was curious about Docker Containers: where do I access these ... Read more

StatsD update to docker-scout

We've all been exploring Docker lately, and back in March, we published Monitoring Docker with docker-scout with how to get started with Scout and Docker. Today, we are excited to announce that we updated this container to include StatsD. Just like in our previous post, Rails App Monitoring (APM) with ... Read more

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